yard sale


yard sale 的定义

n. 名词 noun

yard sale 近义词

n. 名词 noun

sale of unwanted items

更多yard sale例句

  1. Your workspace will appear well-managed instead of looking like a yard sale exploded in the backyard.
  2. A Connecticut man rummaging through yard sale digs left with an actual treasure.
  3. On the other end of the spectrum, the neoprene cuffs keep powder from freezing my digits during yard sales, and I rarely find them lacking warmth at the resort except on the coldest of days—then I just add a hand warmer.
  4. I browse estate sales and yard sales to find items I can refurbish.
  5. Yet while Sharon was preternaturally contained, Peter was a yard sale, whole self out in the open.
  6. Jettison your lawyers as a source of prison-yard guidance, Abramoff said.
  7. Parker writes of the “black-faced doe” that he sees in the yard in his new Texas house.
  8. Tickets go on sale to the public January 15; check back then for a link and an early peek at the inspiring lineup of speakers.
  9. In October, news broke that Regal hired Morgan Stanley to explore a possible sale.
  10. Dee Dee candles, rosaries, shirts and prints are offered for sale near the gallery's door as a kind of consolation.
  11. Sol got up, slowly; took a backward step into the yard; filled his lungs, opened his mouth, made his eyes round.
  12. They ran side by side across the yard to a roofed flight of steps that led to the printing-office.
  13. After his death crowds flocked to his grave to touch his holy monument, till the authorities caused the church yard to be shut.
  14. In the court-yard of the hotel was standing the voiture, which had come in some twenty minutes before us.
  15. He conceived an idea of securing agents among the colored people, and in that way effect a good sale.